Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NoteBook -- My new app

The notebook is a new portable app developed by me. This can be a substitute to notepad and it has various features that make it easy to use.
Softpedia added notebook to its cart..

Here is the download link...

Video tutorial

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Astropedia 2

                           ASTROPEDIA NEW VERSION
              I am glad to announce that I am working on the new version of the astropedia and will work hard to release it as a free software in this summer. Now Check out the screen shots of my new software. This software is now under development :)

1) The new feature which i added is the preview of the celestial object's image nearby the data. Here you can see the image of jupiter on the side 

2) Another example. Here you can notice the preview of Dwingello 1 galaxy
3) When you click the preview button large size image will be displayed. Here is the image of a constellation
4) This is new addition to the previous version. Here you can zoom the images and see the astronomical images in depth. For example look at the Andromeda constellation. There will be a small rectangular area on the bottom right corner using which you can select the area to be zoomed and you can also increase the level of zoom throught the slider provided :)

5) Image of opportunity rover :)

5) Now look the effect of zooming :)

6) Zooming the  galileo space probe image...


My Project - JMS Walkie talkie

    Walkie Talkie which i developed Using Java Message Services( JMS)
                        I learned JMS as a part of curriculum and i used its technology to develop my new walkie talkie application :) . It was all fun and i developed within 1 hour :).
 1)Enter your name

2) Enter the Destination name( Similar to channels in irc)
3) Now a cool walkie talkie will appear :)
4) Simulating four walkie talkies in the same system 
5) Look when a person types ,the text would appear along with his name in other's walkie talkie :)
6) Have a cool chat :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


These are some of the screen shots of my new software astropedia

1)List of objects in a constellation. For example when we select a constellation and click on enter we would get the list of stars, galaxies and nebulae that belong to a constellation. There are also links to stars galaxies and nebulae from here which might aid the user to view an object from here.

2)Here the list of objects are arranged according to a user chosen order. This figure represents a list of nebulae. User can arrange by choosing on of the many fields available. For example he can arrange nebulae by distance from earth, size,etc. It can be arranged both in ascending or descending order.
3)Textual information about an object is presented along with the object as the background image. For example Some information about Opportunity rover is presented here which comes under space probes category in my project
4)User can select an astronomical object and the details of it are tabulated. For example Information about Opportunity rover is given here. There are also button which when clicked will display the picture and information(text)
5)Another example of textual information about mercury. The mercury planet can be seen in background
6) Here is another example of the constellation module which lists some of the objects present in a constellation
7) Moons of the planets can be listed by this module. For example when we select the planet saturn it will list the various moons that revolve around that planet.
8) This module shows the information regarding planets. Note here the units for volume, surface area, orbital circumference, orbital area and mass are given according to SI units and they are very huge and difficult for a normal user to realize
9) Now when user presses the compare button in pic 8, the units are changed related to earth. Here the mass, volume, surface area are represented in comparison to earths and orbital circumference and orbital area are represented in AU(Astronomical Unit) which can be easily realized by a normal user
10)Lists the various attributes of a moon and a few data are represented relative to earth's data
11) One can select an object from a list of objects available. For example one can select a moon from a list of moons to view its data
12)This image shows the list of moons arranged on basis of radius in ascending order. This gives user more realization and makes one interesting to explore the facts.
13)This shows that user can select one of the fields to arrange objects. For example here a list of fields for a moon are listed based on which user can select one to organize data.
14)This image shows a list of moons and their various attributes..
Note: Please Click on the images to see even the minute details.